ATM money dispatch count while currencies are 1000,500 and 100 - C Language Programming

ATM money dispatch count while currencies are 1000,500 and 100

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Statement - ATM money dispatch count while currencies are 1000,500 and 100
Programmer - Vineet Choudhary
Written For -


int totalThousand =1000;
int totalFiveFundred =1000;
int totalOneHundred =1000;

void main(){

    unsigned long withdrawAmount;
    unsigned long totalMoney;
    int thousand=0,fiveHundred=0,oneHundred=0;

    printf("Enter the amount in multiple of 100: ");

    if(withdrawAmount %100 != 0){
	 printf("Invalid amount;");

    totalMoney = totalThousand * 1000 + totalFiveFundred* 500 +  totalOneHundred*100;

    if(withdrawAmount > totalMoney){
	 printf("Sorry,Insufficient money");

    thousand = withdrawAmount / 1000;
    if(thousand > totalThousand)
         thousand = totalThousand;
    withdrawAmount = withdrawAmount - thousand * 1000;

    if (withdrawAmount > 0){
         fiveHundred = withdrawAmount / 500;
         if(fiveHundred > totalFiveFundred)
             fiveHundred = totalFiveFundred;
         withdrawAmount = withdrawAmount - fiveHundred * 500;

    if (withdrawAmount > 0)
         oneHundred = withdrawAmount / 100;

    printf("Total 1000 note: %d\n",thousand);
    printf("Total  500 note: %d\n",fiveHundred);
    printf("Total  100 note: %d\n",oneHundred);

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