Awesome Bitwise Operations and Tricks with Examples

1. Set nth bit of integer x

x | (1<<n)


int main()
	int x = 10; //1010
	int n = 2;
	int result = x | (1<<n);  //1110
	printf("%d\n", result); //14
	return 0;

2. Unset nth bit of integer x

x & ~(1<<n)


int main()
	int x = 10; //1010
	int n = 1;
	int result = x & ~(1<<n); //1000
	printf("%d", result2); 	//8
	return 0;

3. Toggle nth bit of x

x ^ (1<<n)


int main()
	int x = 10; //1010
	int n = 0;
	int result = x ^ (1<<n); //1011
	n = 3;
	result = result ^ (1<<n); //0011
	printf("%d\n", result); //3
	return 0;

4. Multiply integer x by the nth power of 2

x << n


int main()
	int x = 10;
	int n = 3;
	int result = x << n;  // 10 * (2^3)
	printf("%d\n", result); //80
	return 0;

5. Divide integer x by the nth power of 2

x >> n;


int main()
	int x = 80;
	int n = 3;
	int result = x >> n;  // 80 / (2^3)
	printf("%d\n", result); //10
	return 0;

6. Check equality of two integer

(num1 ^ num2) == 0; // num1 == num2


int main()
	int num1 = 10;
	int num2 = 10;
	if ((num1 ^ num2) == 0)
		printf("Not Equal");
	return 0;

7. Check if an integer number is odd

(num & 1) == 1


int main()
	int num = 13;
	if ((num & 1) == 1)
	return 0;

8. Swap two integer values

//version 1
a ^= b;
b ^= a;
a ^= b;

//version 2
a = a ^ b ^ (b = a)


int main()
	int a = 5;
	int b = 7;

	//Version 1
	a ^= b;
	b ^= a;
	a ^= b;

	printf("a = %d & b = %d\n", a, b); // a = 7 & b = 5

	//Version 2
	a = a ^ b ^ (b = a);

	printf("a = %d & b = %d", a, b); // a = 5 & b = 7
	return 0;

9. Get the max of two integer values

b & ((a-b) >> 31) | a & (~(a-b) >> 31);


int main()
	int a = 5;
	int b = 7;

	int max = b & ((a-b) >> 31) | a & (~(a-b) >> 31);
	printf("%d", max);

	return 0;

10. Get the min of two integer values

a & ((a-b) >> 31) | b & (~(a-b) >> 31);


int main()
	int a = 5;
	int b = 7;

	int min = a & ((a-b) >> 31) | b & (~(a-b) >> 31);
	printf("%d", min);

	return 0;

11. Check whether both integer numbers have the same sign

(num1 ^ num2) >= 0;


int main()
	int num1 = 5;
	int num2 = -7;

	if ((num1 ^ num2) >= 0)
		printf("Same Sign");
		printf("Different Sign");

	return 0;

12. Flip the sign of an integer number

num = ~num + 1;


int main()
	int num = 5;

	num = ~num + 1;
	printf("num = %d", num);

	return 0;

13. Check whether a integer number is power of 2

num > 0 && (num & (num - 1)) == 0;


int main()
	int num = 16;

	if (num > 0 && (num & (num - 1)) == 0)
		printf("Number is power of 2");
		printf("Number is not power of 2");
	return 0;

14. Increment by 1 (num + 1)



int main()
	int num = 16;

	num = -~num;
	printf("num = %d", num);

	return 0;

15. Decrement by 1 (num - 1)



int main()
	int num = 16;

	num = ~-num;
	printf("num = %d", num);

	return 0;

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