Smart City Light (SM!GHT) - a corporate startup of EnBW

SM!GHT is a corporate startup of EnBW, one of the four big power providers in Germany headquartered in Karlsruhe. SM!GHT has developed “Smart City Lights” based on Microsoft Azure to power intelligent streetlights that feature Wi-Fi hotspots, e-Mobility charging stations, an SOS-Button and environmental sensors.

These smart streetlights sense things like pollution, temperature, humidity and traffic congestion, all in an effort to help planners and commuters make better decisions. The data is monitored and collected from the streetlights using a Windows 10 universal app on a tablet and analyzed in real time using Azure Stream Analytics and Machine Learning.

In an instant, cities can determine which neighborhoods or routes have the highest pollution or traffic and send drivers in a different and better direction. Drivers have the possibility to avoid traffic jams, air quality improves and commuters are happier because they’re getting to their destination more quickly and less frazzled.


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