Comments line in C++

Comments are explanatory statements that you can include in C++ code to explain what the code is doing. The compiler ignores everything that appears in the comment,so none of that information shows in the result.

Single-Line Comments:
Comments that require lines begin with //. You can place them on the single line

For example:

using namespace std;
int main()
     //prints "Hello world"
     cout<<"Hello world";
     return 0;


Hello world

Multi-Line Comment:
Comments that require lines begin with /* and end with */.
You can place them on the same line or insert one or more lines between them.
For example:

using namespace std;
int main()
     /*This is a comment.
     prints "Hello world" */
     cout<<"Hello world";
     return 0;


Hello world

Comments can be written anywhere, and can be repeated any number of times throughout the code.

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