Interview Zomato iOS Interview Experience and Question Round 1 - Profile Screening Zomato HR contacted me via LinkedIn. After expressing my interest in the position HR set up a quick phone call. In this call, HR told me about the Zomato Z products and it's existence. HR told me about different kinds of Z product...
Interview Grab iOS Interview Experience and Question Round 1 - Profile Selection My profile selection was very unique experience for me. Grab Head of Engineering message me on LinkedIn about his experience and about the massive impact, results through innovation and collaboration, continuous learning and growth in the company. Then he told me about Steve (and ex-Google...
Interview GoJek Address Book Problem Assignment for iOS iOS Contact App build for Gojek iOS Developer interview process. Disclaimer This solution is for reference purpose. Please, do not copy-paste it. Companies are smart enough to catch if you are cheating. If your solution got rejected due to this we're not responsible for it. GO-JEK iOS Problem...
Interview GoJek iOS Interview Experience and Question Round 1 - Profile Selection Go-Jek HR contacted me via LinkedIn. After expressing my interest in the position HR set up a quick phone call. In this call, HR told me about the Go-Jek products and it's existence. Also, HR asked me about my experience and some basic...
Interview OYO Web Developer Interview Experience and Question Round 1 - Profile Selection (Online) * Write a polyfill for bind function. * Given an expression string exp, write a program to examine whether the pairs and the orders of {,},(,),[,] are correct in exp. Example 1: Input: exp = [()]{}{[()()]()} Output: Balanced Example 2: Input: exp = [(]) Output: Not Balanced * What is the output...
Interview 58 JavaScript Interview Questions for Frontend Developer JavaScript Questions * Explain event delegation. * Explain how this works in JavaScript. * Can you give an example of one of the ways that working with this has changed in ES6? * Explain how prototypal inheritance works. * What’s the difference between a variable that is: null, undefined or undeclared? * How would you...
Interview HTML and CSS Interview Question for Frontend Developer HTML Interview Questions * What does a doctype do? * How do you serve a page with content in multiple languages? * What kind of things must you be wary of when design or developing for multilingual sites? * What are data- attributes good for? * Consider HTML5 as an open web platform. What are...
Interview 20 General Technical Interview Questions for Experienced Developers 1. What is the most challenging task you've ever done? 2. What is your favorite project you've ever done? 3. What are some things you like about the developer tools you use? 4. Who inspires you in your developer community (iOS, Android, Frontend ect.)? 5. Do...
Interview GoJek Parking Lot Assignment using Python 1. Problem Statment Design a Parking lot which can hold n Cars. Every car been issued a ticket for a slot and the slot been assigned based on the nearest to the entry. The system should also return some queries such as: * Registration numbers of all cars of a particular...
Primary What is the difference between const int * and int const *? One simple answer - read it backwards (as driven by Clockwise/Spiral Rule []). * int * ptr - ptr is a pointer to int * int const * ptr - ptr is a pointer to constant int * int * const ptr - ptr is a constant pointer to...
Primary Why does the indexing of Array start with Zero in C? Martin Richards, creator of the BCPL language (a precursor of C), designed arrays initiating at 0 as the natural position to start accessing the array contents in the language, since the value of a pointer p used as an address accesses the position p+0 in memory. The name of...
Primary What does the C ??!??! operator do? ??! is a trigraph that translates to |. So it says: if(a || b){ ... }else{ ... } So, what is digraphs and trigraphs? In computer programming, digraphs and trigraphs are sequences of two and three characters, respectively, that appear in source code and, according to a programming language specification, should be treated as if...
Primary Why in C language is it the case that a[5] == 5[a]? The C standard defines the Array Subscript Operator [] as follows: a[b] == *(a + b) Therefore a[5] will evaluate to: *(a + 5) and 5[a] will evaluate to: *(5 + a) and from elementary math we know those are equal. This is the direct artifact of arrays behaving as pointers, "...
Primary Why isn't sizeof for a struct equal to the sum of sizeof of each member? This is because of padding added to satisfy alignment constraints. Data structure alignment impacts both performance and correctness of programs. Here's an example using typical settings for an x86 processor (all used 32 and 64 bit modes): struct X { short s; /* 2 bytes */ /* 2 padding bytes */ int i;...
Primary Why is one loop so much slower than two loops? Suppose a1, b1, c1, and d1 point to heap memory and code has the following loop. const int n=100000; for(int j=0;j<n;j++){ a1[j] += b1[j]; c1[j] += d1[j]; } This loop is executed 10,000 times via another outer for loop. To speed...