Wiki Censys - Find and analyze any server and device on the Internet Censys is a platform that helps information security practitioners discover, monitor, and analyze devices that are accessible from the Internet. Censys was created in 2015 at the University of Michigan, by the security researchers who developed ZMap....
iOS Best iOS Development Tips and Tricks - Part 2 1. Open Terminal for current Project using Xcode Keyboard Shortcut Do you know, you can open Terminal from Xcode at the project's path with a custom keyboard shortcut? First, Create a new script file in your project root directory with following command - #!/bin/sh open -a Terminal...
Swift How to use SwiftLint with Xcode to enforce Swift style and conventions? SwiftLint [] is a tool to enforce Swift style and conventions. Keeping a codebase consistent and maintainable in a project with a team of developers sometimes may be very hard, different conventions and styles, plus different levels of experience with the language across developers may result...
Xcode What's new in Xcode 10? [Updated for 10.1, 10.2 and 10.3] Xcode is the complete developer toolset used to create apps for Apple TV, Apple Watch, iPad, iPhone, and Mac. The Xcode development environment bundles the Instruments analysis tool, Simulator, and the OS frameworks in the form of tvOS SDKs, watchOS SDKs, iOS SDKs, and macOS SDK. * Jump to "What&...
iOS [Xcode Pro Tips] How to use Asset Catalogs to support Named Colors? As you know, you are able to use Xcode Asset Catalogs to manage your images and other file-based resources since iOS 7. But from iOS 11 (with Xcode 9), Asset catalogs support named colors that can be used in source files and Interface Builder. You can create a color that...
iOS How to create a verified iOS Mobile Device Management(MDM) profile? The Mobile Device Management (MDM) protocol provides a way for system administrators to send device management commands to managed iOS devices running iOS 4 and later, macOS devices running macOS v10.7 and later, and Apple TV devices running iOS 7 (Apple TV software 6.0) and later. MDM allows...
iOS How to change an iOS application icon programmatically? In iOS 10.3, Apple launches a cool function so that developers are able to programmatically change the app icon. In Apple's UIApplication API document, there are 3 things worth a glance: //A Boolean value indicating whether the app is allowed to change its icon. To make it...
iOS Best iOS Development Tips and Tricks 1. Track build time in Xcode If you don't know the exact build time of your project, enable the following option in Xcode. defaults write ShowBuildOperationDuration -bool YES 2. Improve your Swift project build time The Xcode 9.2 release notes mentioned an experimental...
Swift What will be new in Swift 5? Apple Swift 5 will be release in early 2019. The primary focus of Swift 5 will be ABI (Application Binary Interface) stability for the Swift Standard Library. Here the goals for Swift 5 - 1. ABI Stability 1.1 What is ABI Stability? * At runtime Swift binaries interact with other...
Data Structure Introduction to Dynamic Programming 1. What is Dynamic Programming? Dynamic Programming is an algorithmic paradigm that solves a given complex problem by breaking it into sub-problems and stores the results of sub-problems to avoid computing the same results again. Dynamic programming is used where we have problems, which can be divided into similar sub-problems,...
Swift Tips to become a better Swift (iOS) Developer Swift is friendly to new programmers. It's an industrial-quality programming language that's as expressive and enjoyable as a scripting language. Here the some tips to become a better Swift Developer. You can copy and paste the code snippets into Playground, to make it easier for you...
AppStore How to make your new apps available for pre-order on the App Store on all Apple Platforms Apple has announced that all developers can now offer their applications for pre-order via the App Store. Before releasing your app on the App Store for the first time, you can choose to offer it as a pre-order. Customers can see your product page and order your app before it&...
iOS DeviceCheck API - Unique Identifier for the iOS Devices 1. Overview Using the DeviceCheck APIs, in combination with server-to-server APIs, you can set and query two bits of data per device, while maintaining user privacy. You might use this data to identify devices that have already taken advantage of a promotional offer that you provide, or to flag a...
Swift Optionals Chainings by Example - Swift Programming Language 1. Introduction An optional in Swift is a type that can hold either a value or no value. Optionals are written by appending a ? to any type: var optionalName: String? = "Developer Insider" print(optionalName) //prints "Optional("Developer Insider")" Optionals are one of the most...
iOS iPhone X - iOS Developer Guide iPhone X features the stunning 5.8-inch Super Retina display, enabling even more immersive app experiences. Start testing your apps now to make sure they are ready to take advantage of the Super Retina display by respecting safe areas, supporting adaptive layouts, and more. Let's learn how to...