Turbo C++ IDE Shortcuts

S.No. Shortcuts keys Action
1 F1 For Help
2. F2 Save
3. F3 Open
4. F4 Go to cursor
5. F5 Zoom
6. F6 Next
7. F7 Trace into
8. F8 Step over
9. F9 Make
10. F10 Menu
11. Alt+X Quit
12. Alt+Bksp Undo
13. Shift+Alt+Bksp Redo
14. Shift+Del Cut
15. Ctrl+Ins Copy
16. Shift+Ins Paste
17. Ctrl+Del Clear
18. Ctrl+L Search again
19. Alt+F7 Previous error
20. Alt+F8 Next error
21. Ctrl+F9 'or' Alt+R+Enter Run
22. Ctrl+F2 Program reset
23. Alt+F9 Compile
24. Alt+F4 Inspect
25. Ctrl+F4 Evaluate/Modify
26. Ctrl+F3 Call stack
27. Ctrl+F8 Toggle breakpoint
28. Ctrl+F5 Size/Move
29. Alt+F3 Close
30. Alt+F5 User screen
31. Alt+0 List all
32. Shift+F1 Index
33. Ctrl+F1 Topic search
34. Alt+F1 Previous topic
35. Ctrl+F7 Add watch
36. Alt+Enter Toggle screen mode(Full Screen / Window)*


* DosBox shortcut.

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